Business forum "Electroindustry 2024"

Business forum “Electroindustry 2024” is the largest event in the field of electrotechnical and electronics industry in Bulgaria. The conference is a platform for dialogue in the process of the industrial transformation and the development of the industrial society in Bulgaria.

Highlights of the program are the trends and challenges facing the Bulgarian electrical industry, as well as topics related to digital transformation, the green transition, electromobility and good international practices.

The event provides opportunities for establishing business contacts and building partnerships, presentation of new technological solutions of companies, exchange of experience with representatives of leading Bulgarian and foreign companies.

On April 11, 2024, Sofia Balkan Palace Hotel hosted the largest event in the field of electrical engineering and electronics industry in Bulgaria - Business Forum “Electricity Industry 2024”. The event was organized by BASEL and the Agency for SMEs and was attended by over 200 representatives of Bulgarian and foreign companies, business organizations and embassies.

The conference is a platform for dialogue in the process of transformation in industry and the development of industrial society in Bulgaria. Highlights of the program were the trends and challenges facing the Bulgarian electric industry, as well as topics related to digital transformation, green transition, electromobility and good international practices.

Within the framework of the conference, the awards of the Bulgarian Association of Electrical Engineering and Electronics (BASEL) for 2023 were also presented. The award “Company of the Year 2023" was deservedly won by TELETEK ELECTRONICS EAD.

From left to right:

Borislava Velichkova, Executive Director of VelichkovaConsulting , Orlin Dimitrov, Executive Director of BASEL Lily Petkova, CEO of

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