Business - Marketing - IT - Strategy development - Consultation

It often turns out that the questions are complex, but the answers are simple. This is where we can help productively and qualitatively with our skills, work and advices

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Консултации с експерти от Holistic Business Organization

Често се оказва, че въпросите са сложни, но отговорите са прости. Именно тук е насочеността, с която можем да помагаме продуктивно и качествено с уменията, работата, съветите и опита ни.
Професионални услуги свързани с институции, преговори, съвети

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Business negotiations and mediation (Бизнес преговори и медиация)

Съдействие в преговорния процес.

Our business experts can assist if you need support to negotiate and communicate with a potential new business or organization.

Hire on demand business agents and sales professionals to help

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PR and Promotional Marketing

Utility Model
Suggestions, recommendations and ideas for achieving the desired goals.

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Делегирано управление на социални канали и профили

30-мин. безплатна консултация

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