Holistic e-Form for Event Industry, Organisers, Partners and Users
Our mission is to create better solutions, innovative proposals and quality results with human-centric approach!
A short digital guide which assists both sides to find the most suitable solution according to requirements. We continue growing our partners' network.
Our know-how is unique, because we can project, plan and implement processes, impact and results according the designed goal. Every idea is possible with the right instruments matching the existing resources and targeted outcome.
Welcome to a user friendly, secure, visitor engagement focused, cost efficient event opportunity. You name it, we plan, design and transform your virtual event into a lifelike unique experience. Your virtual event is all alike a physical, onsite event. It can be run it in all shapes & sizes, customized, cost effectively with global access, maximum engagement and useful data analysis and outstanding insights. If you have an internet connection, then this is an invalueable comfort, using only a laptop or mobile.
This is perfect combination between virtual and reality. You get all outcomes of a virtual experience together with the powerful impact of being face to face. This is one event addressing two audiences. Hybrid events connect, engage and serve both, the onsite as well as the virtual audience. This is the future! Enjoy the exploding synergy of hybrid, an exiting and meaningful way of running effective measureable events.
Please complete the survey so we have a basis for developing a personalized proposal plan.
For venue, event and other business profiles - Join our network and we will be able to present and offer your assets, halls, conferences, expo, advantages and value proposition to a bigger audience. Send us a quick message.
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. http://www.holistic.bg